The Summit Event Center Wedding in Downtown Toledo Ohio

Thank goodness it didn't rain on Kylie and Corey’s wedding day so that they were able to get married at the Agnes Reynolds Jackson Arboretum in the Old West End of Toledo. The location was meaningful to Kylie since her grandparents had memorial stones engraved with their names on the path leading up to the gazebo where the ceremony took place. The forecast was gloomy but the rain held off just long enough.

The pair met in high school and were two years apart. Their relationship took off quickly after bumping into each other years later at El Camino (on Cinco de Mayo). A year later they moved to Chicago so that Corey could pursue a career in comedy. I loved that they incorporated elements of Chicago at the reception, which was held at The Summit Event Center in downtown Toledo, another venue that we finally had the opportunity to work at in 2019. The table numbers were shaped in a silhouette of the Chicago Skyline, and their wedding favors included gifts that were Chicago-based as well - Jeppson’s Malort Liquer, and Garrett Popcorn.